First DevLog

Hello! We are "Goblin Guild" and in this DevLog we will present to you: [redacted], a cooperative deck-builder game where you'll have to survive a series of battles and waves until you reach an end, all of that while the turn order among players is uncertain. We're still developing the idea but we're very excited to work on this!

The game will feature 4 initial classes: Warrior, Mage, Archer, and Healer (although we do not rule out adding more in the distant future). On the other hand, we plan to divide the flow of the game into "rounds", which are composed of turns of characters and enemies. The turn order will be randomized in each round, with the condition that there cannot be more than two consecutive turns of units from the same team (enemies or players), and the first turn of the round must be assigned to a player. It's worth noting that each turn will show who is acting and who will act next turn. Regarding the card system, we still don't have a clear idea of how it will work, but we hope to figure it out soon.

That's all for today, see you in the next DevLog!

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